Rome Was Not Built In A Day, So Is Your Business!

Embarking on the path to a successful business is never easy, as it involves overcoming challenges and maintaining your position as a champion amidst the odds, which is even tougher.

In this event, we are honored to invite two highly successful speakers who will reveal their secret Success Code and how they transformed their businesses into million-dollar empires!

Following in their footsteps and mimicking their strategies can lead you on the right track to success.

The time is now! Don’t let this chance slip through your fingers. Sign up and be a part of this uplifting experience that will forever change the way you approach your journey to success.


• Only for 50 persons

• Registration fee: $38 /pax


Aug 24 2023


7:00 pm




Jew Kit Hainanese Chicken Rice
Jew Kit Hainanese Chicken Rice, 105 Killiney Road, Singapore 239546
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